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SHIN SHIN: Everything in its Right Place
Haeok Shin & Donghyeok Shin
SHIN SHIN: Everything in its Right Place
Feb 22, 2022
Mar 15, 2022
Curated by

Read the trail and revise it with your eyes


Walk backwards

Leave the door open or closed

Loosen your body

And slowly roll over

to eight vertices


Thigh height

Align the empty chair

Estimate the weight of collapsing things

in the direction of the withered wrist

In between scenes back to back

(fumbling sound)

Pick out the rumbles

Pull up the corners


Shoot the marbles

Leap over door sills under the foot

with a big stride

Raise up the hole

Climb up the stairway without delay

Look away

And slip on the bottom again


Pass by the ankle height fence

Lie down to the side and roll over

Evenly cut a slice of shadow


Faint out as light comes up

움직임을 묵독하며 눈으로 옮겨낼 것


뒤로 걷기

문은 열어두거나 닫아둔다

몸에 힘을 풀고

여덟 개의 꼭지점으로

천천히 굴러간다


허벅지 높이

빈 의자를 정렬한다

시든 손목이 가리키는 방향으로

넘어지는 사물의 무게를 가늠한다

연속되는 장면 사이

(뒤적이는 소리)

요란함을 골라내고

모서리로 세워둔다



발에 채는 문턱을

큰 보폭으로 건너뛰어

구멍을 들어올려

잰걸음으로 계단을 오른다

시선을 접어 다시 아래로



발목 높이 담장을 지나


가지런히 그림자를 썰어두고


불이 밝으면 가라앉는다

—Minji Lee

             About the Studio
Shin Shin is Haeok Shin and Donghyeok Shin, a graphic design studio based in Seoul, Korea. Haeok is interested in interweaving and threading a strand of texts, images and pages within the structure of a book, she focuses on the observed relationships in them, while Donghyeok’s interest lies in contemplating the ways of renewing the history, styles, conventions, traditions, and theory of graphic design, in the context of ‘here, now.’ They both studied at Dankook University and Haeok graduated from the Yale School of Art with an MFA in Graphic Design in 2018. They have worked together in the fields of art and culture area, collaborating in partnership with curators, editors, artists and institutions since 2008. They are continuing in parallel with self-initiated projects as well as participating in various exhibitions, while teaching at Universities and synchronizing their interest with students. In 2020, they set up their own publisher, Hwawon, as an imprint of Mediabus to focus on the performative aspect of design practice in which design methodology crystallizes into the structure and materiality of an object.

Installation view of SHIN SHIN: Everything in its Right Place, Shanghai, 2022

Exhibition Assistant
Ruini Zhou
Exhibition Design
Zhengzhong Pan
Editorial Team
Ziming Lin
Exhibition Photography
Junli Chen