Radical Return
Radical Characters
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Radical Characters

Exhibition catalog for Radical Return《文字的回返》, the first exhibition presented by Radical Characters, a study group and curatorial project that explores the relationship between design and culture in the Chinese and Chinese American communities.

The exhibition, simultaneously mounted in 2021 at the Boston University Art Galleries in Boston, Massachusetts, and at IS A GALLERY in Shanghai, China, invited participants from around the world to use the Chinese character “回” (huí) or “return” as a grid—visually or conceptually—to frame submissions. The selected work, which appears in this catalog, features 36 Chinese and Chinese American artists and graphic designers who explore acts of return through language, tradition, memory, identity, and history. Working across a range of media, these designers and artists embrace, challenge, and expand what it means to "return" in their artistic practice and in relation to their positions in the world today.

Radical Characters acknowledges that the works by no means form a complete picture of the multifaceted and complex narratives experienced by Chinese and Chinese American designers, but offers the exhibition—the accompanying catalog—as an in-progress site for building knowledge through the exchange of graphic design and culture.

With work by Evelyn Bi, Elias Chen, Weiyun Chen, Xing Cheung, Muyuan He, Gene Hua, Oliver Hua, Felix Huang, Howsem Huang, Cecily Li, Daedalus Guoning Li, Jay Li, Qiuwen Li, Angela Lian, Guang Qin Lin, Leslie Liu, Chen Luo, Yuedi Lyu, Maya Man, Candice Ng, Zhengzhong Pan, Desmond Pang, Tongji Philip Qian, Jiang Shan, Karen Tian, Mac (Naiqian) Wang, Zihao Wang, Yufei Weng, Bin Wu, Boyang Xia, Spencer Yujia Yan, Nina Jun Yuchi, Zhang Zhan, Dan Zhang, Eager Zhang, and Zipeng Zhu

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Radical Characters是由Mary Y. Yang和李中凯联合创建的研究组织和策展项目,致力于探索中美华人社区设计和文化间的关联。作为该项目的首展,“文字的回返”在美国波士顿大学美术馆(Boston University Art Galleries)和一弄画廊双城展出。

“文字的回返”是由Radical Characters发起的首场国际展览。展览从汉字“回”中获得灵感——“回”有回返,转向,环行或回应之意;而“回返”内涵了方位的转变及行动的所指,那么为什么我们要转向某人某事或回归某地?在本次展览的海内外征集中,参与者被邀请将汉字“回 ”作为其创作的视觉和概念坐标来构建对展览主题的回应,并思考他们作为华人或美籍华裔艺术家的回返之路。展览入选者包括36位中国和海外的华人艺术家和平面设计师,他们通过语言、传统、记忆、身份和历史来探索 “回返(return)”这一主题。在不同媒介中,这些作品在艺术实践和作者与当下世界的关系中探索、挑战并扩展着 “回返”的含义,共同开辟了一个探究社会传统和文化的集体空间。这次入选的作品并非是对中美设计师所经历的多方面复杂叙事进行的完整呈现,而是努力通过基于平面设计的交流,创造一个不断发生的,建立并容纳知识的文化场域。

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